It started with me being deathly sick (okay, deathly is a bit of exaggeration) with a stomach bug on Valentine's Day weekend. Bob was my angel of mercy taking care of the girls when I couldn't get out of bed. He gave me a beautiful Pandora bracelet and it was all I could do to lift my wrist for him to put it on me.
He left around 3:00 and the girls came home from a very short visit with their dad at 4:00. I had asked Syd to pick up a pint of white rice from the Chinese restaurant on their way home. She brought me a quart and I sat in bed and ate it out of the container. I left the bag on the bed and Willow helped herself to the fortune cookie. Crumbs and paper were strewn all over the bed.
I went to bed fairly early which is somewhat of a joke considering I hadn't gotten out of it in 24 hours. My whole body ached. The nausea was gone, however and was thankful for that.
I dragged myself out of bed at 5:30 this morning and trudged with shaking legs up the hill with the dog for our morning pilgrimage to the field. Slowly I got ready for work and left the house early to pick up a cake for my receptionist. Before I even got halfway there, I got a call from Syd saying the dog won't stop whining. I have no idea what she expected me to do from 20 miles away. As soon as I got to the office, I got a call from Mell telling me Syd won't give her ten dollar bill back to her. Again, my powers are limited. My only weapon is to threaten severe punishment in 8 hours.
It was a typical day at work which means putting out fires and trying to make everyone play nice. I was still so weak but managed to get through the day.
I stopped at Aldi's for chicken patties knowing this dinner choice was going to blow my chances at Mother of the Year but I needed something fast the kids wouldn't gripe at eating. I filled my gas tank in anticipation of yet another threatened snowstorm and finally made my way home.
I arrived home to find a huge mess in the living room and a wet spot on the carpet due to the kids not taking the dog outside soon enough. Syd had cajoled my neighbor into giving her a jar of Jif claiming we were out of peanut butter. Later, I discovered two things: dog poop on the floor and that I don't have enough quarters to dry a load of laundry.
I have a 10-page case study analyis, a quiz and 5 chapters to read for school before Sunday. My nails are so long from procrastinating on my nailfill that I can barely type.
I'm glad the day is over and right now all I want to do is go to I can start all of this all over again.
Gripe over.