Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!

...and what a year it's been!

I made some resolutions at the beginning of 2013 and did surprisingly well!  

Here they are:

1.  More talking, less texting - This was a tricky one because texting is such an easy way to communicate.  I find there's a lack of intimacy, however.  Steve and I have agreed to call each other every night we're apart right before turning in for the night.  It's a good way to keep that intimacy plus it's nice to get a "sweet dreams" before falling asleep.

2.  More plant, less animal - I really didn't think I would do this but I did!  I had been ovo-lacto pescetarian for over two years and explain how I went completely vegan in July here.  It has changed my life.

3. More looking forward, less looking back. - done.

4. More writing, less surfing - I did well with writing in this blog and even started another blog.

5. More reading, less surfing - I read a lot this year and bought an iPad early in 2013 to use mostly as an e-reader.

6. I'm going to put serious effort into Zen Habits Sea Change. - FAIL!  I think I gave up on this program about a week into it.  Too much content for me.  Lesson learned.

7.   I will take my camera everywhere I go and be sure to pull over and snap that picture as soon it catches my eye and not wait until the light changes and the moment is gone forever. - Although it drives my kids crazy, I snap pictures constantly.  However, I found my iPhone takes extraordinary pictures and editing them through Instagram is much easier than using my camera and computer.  I get lots of compliments on my pictures so I must be doing it right.

So that was 2013.  What are my resolutions for 2014?

1. Get my real estate license - This is something I've always considered doing but I think the time is right.  I have the best mentor in the world to help me through this.  I may never use it but it's always a nice option should things change dramatically in my life.

2.  Read more, surf less - Okay, I did read more in 2013 than in previous years but I want to set monthly goals for myself to increase the number of books I read this year.

3.  Make it happen - We always say we'll get together for dinner with people but it rarely happens.  I resolve to make it happen.  At least once a month either in a restaurant or at home.

4.  Cook more, eat out less - Sorry, Charlie...Charlie Aiello, that is.  I'm going to be cooking more at home and eating out less.  I think the best way to achieve this is to cook in bulk for the week and re-heat when I get home.  Fatigue at the end of a long day (and a 30 mile commute) usually results in heading out for dinner.  This will help my wallet and my waistline.

That's it!  See you in 365 days with an update!  I have a feeling 2014 is going to be a year to remember!

Cheers from me and Angela Aiello!

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