Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The mind-body connection

I have read a lot about the mind-body connection. I don't go as far as some in believing we bring all illness and disease upon ourselves but I do know there is truth to much of it.

Lately, I've been going through a lot of difficult situations. I won't go into detail but I will say it has created stress where there once was peace and has affected every aspect of my life.

Over the past month, I have had pain in my right knee I never had before. I have had knee problems since I was a child but this was different. Shortly after the knee pain started, I began having problems with my lower back. Again, it was the first time I'd experienced this. Overall, I felt like I was falling apart and it was making me depressed.

Last night, I unloaded my troubles to a dear, patient friend who coaxed them from me. He simply listened and empathized and ended the conversation by telling me to go to bed with a good book assuring me everything would work out. I went to bed with a feeling of peace that has been missing from my life lately. When I got up this morning, the knee and back pain were gone without a trace. I felt rested and ready to face the day.

Could this be a coincidence? I highly doubt it. Is it part of the mind-body connection? I'm starting to believe in it more and more.

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